Elias Canetti e Iris Murdoch
segunda-feira, fevereiro 06, 2006
«Elias Canetti» foi o ultimo nome que Iris Murdoch reconheceu, dois meses antes de morrer, vitima de Alzheimer.

[Elias Canetti]
A ler: The God-monster's version
"Once they had become lovers Murdoch would precisely time her visits from Oxford, fitting in Canetti as if for a tutorial. The sex could hardly be more different from her own accounts of power and dominance. "She lay motionless and unchanging, I hardly noticed that I entered her, I did not sense that she noticed. Perhaps I would have been more likely to have sensed something if she had moved a little in response."
Yet it seems that for all his alleged attempts at control, she used him just as much. She needed ideas and characters for her novels and she gets this "booty" from her many and varied lovers (...) Soon he sees her as a pirate who robs each of her lovers not of his heart, but of his mind."
"Marie-Louise Motesiczky, an Expressionist painter and pupil of Max Beckmann, was intimate with him for half a century, painting several personally telling portraits, just as Murdoch and Veza put him into their fiction."
posted by .j. @ 11:37 da manhã,