coisas do Japao II
sexta-feira, abril 15, 2005
DOMO is a strange creature born from an egg. One day he fell into Usajii's house,the old rabbit likes TV. After that he began to love watching TV. He is gentle and strong. When he is in a bad mood,he breaks wind.
Usajii has been living in a cave for 70 years. He loves TV and astringent tea. When he was young, he often traveled with his sweet heart,but now he is completely retired.
Ta-chan is a weasel girl. She is seventeen years old. She moved near Usajii's cave this spring. She dreams to be a stylist or model in Tokyo. She always tries to get information from a mobile phone ,TV ,or magazine.She is overly friendly,but is lonely somehow. She always adds“chi”to the end of a conversation, but she doesn't know it. She doesn't like the country-side.
Shinobu is a strong-minded mother. Morio is a mischievous child . They are hanger-on of Usajii's cave.
[ retirado daqui: XXX ]
O Domo está sempre com a mesma cara. Meio assustador, meio carinhoso, este simples bonequinho de boca aberta e dentes afiados consegue atrair a atençao de forma irremediavel. É impossivel ficar indiferente. Pelo menos é essa a minha opiniao. Ha dias em que gostava de viver no mundo do Domo, com meia dúzia de amigos. Ha outros em que so o queria ter dentro da minha mochila, para o poder tirar sempre que preciso muito de falar com alguem.
Piores do que eu sao os fanaticos pelo Domo! Encontram-se por aí sites para todos os gostos e feitios. Aqui ficam tres exemplos:
posted by .j. @ 10:17 da tarde,
- At 10:27 da tarde, said...
Nice site!
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