Old man dying

When I was young,

I played with toys,

Saw cartoons at first crack of dawn,

Wished for cakes and dreamed of horses,

The world was not my concern,

Life or death something I’d never heard of.

Then I grew into a teenager,

Thought of girls and played with myself,

Watched TV all day long,

Wished for money and dreamed of fame,

The world was still not my concern (although it did hate me),

I believed I knew all about life and would never face death.

Later I became a man,

Got married and still played with myself,

Worked all day long and watched soap operas in the evening,

Wished for a bigger car and dreamed of young women,

The world was mine to keep,

But I wanted more in my life and feared death.

Now I’m an old man dying,

I piss my pants and need to be bathed,

I sit all day doing nothing,

Wishing for a relative I can’t remember to come and visit me,

The world hides from me,

I have no life, so I long for death…

posted by O Estranho @ 10:19 da tarde,


At 3:56 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

olá, Estranho. bons olhos te vejam. direitos de autor n?o se usam por ca?! :-)


At 3:58 da tarde, Blogger O Estranho said...

Direitos de autor? Confesso que essa n?o percebi...

At 8:59 da tarde, Blogger .j. said...

direitos de autor = nome do autor de "old man dying"

At 2:31 da manhã, Blogger O Estranho said...

Ah... O autor foi um gajo chamado o Estranho... Achas mesmo que poria aqui uma coisa escrita por outra pessoa sem dizer quem era o autor?!?! (esta pequena indignaç?o é a minha maneira de dizer "Olá!"...) ;)


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