Finlandia-Portugal,descobrir as diferenças:

"when the Finns are asked what are the most important things for the government to do, health and education rank highest. Finnish tax rates are quite high, but not the highest in Europe. As long as Finns feel they get a good return on their tax Euros in terms of public services, they are willing to pay. They generally see taxes as a fair price to pay for a society that provides equal opportunities, and because everyone benefits directly from our public services. Everyone has been educated in public schools and universities. Everyone has used the public health services. These aren't just services for the poor. If you don't allow your democratically-elected government to tax the economy to provide equal opportunities in life for everyone, no one else can do it.

Finns want to get rich for the same reasons other people do- to be wealthy. But the difference between the richest Finns and he poorest is not as big as elsewhere. Finns wouldn't consider it fare if, as in the U.S., the CEO earned 350 times more than the factory worker. The rich don't need to move into gated communities. Their children will go to school with people from very different social backgrounds, to they don't become a totally isolated elite.

Decreasing taxes comes much lower in priorities here. Even the Finnish "Republicans" don't run for a radical tax cut, although naturally there are politicians who think that the government is too big. In the surveys, "getting rich" is not among the highest priorities for the Finns. Usually people talk more about health and family as the most important things in life."

posted by .j. @ 3:00 da tarde,


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