funny songs ou o desejo do sol como naquele dia

[Há um sempre um parque perto de casa em dias de sol - Keskisenkatu, 2005]

Old Zachariah fell in the fire.
Fire was so hot he jumped in the pot.

Pot was so little he jumped in the kettle.
Kettle was so black he jumped in the crack.

Crack was so high he jumped in the sky.
Sky was so blue he jumped in a canoe.

Canoe was so long he jumped in the pond.
Pond was so deep he jumped in the creek.

Creek was so shallow he jumped in the tallow.
Tallow was so soft he jumped in the loft.

Loft was so rotten he jumped in the cotton.
Cotton was so white he stayed all night.

- The Alabama Folk Lyric: A study in origins and media of dissemination,
by Ray B. Browne -

posted by .j. @ 6:45 da tarde,


At 11:50 da manhã, Blogger O Estranho said...

Depois de passar quase uma semana longe de blogs e e-mails, deu para perceber 2 coisas: que realmente devia estar mais atento ao meu blog e aos dos outros e que tu tens estado bem activa! Bonita, a fotografia... E por aí como está o tempo? Já foste muitas vezes ? praia?;)


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